September 2024
Paranormal Stories Return!
September 7 - 8:33 PM EST
Our Next Fireside is September 22
If you have a topic you would like presented,
please email
Coming October 2
Talks & Tea from the Old Owl Inn
With Maren & Julie
A live mini-series
Wednesday Nights 9:30 PM Eastern
We are preparing our chocolate creation, roasting starts in two weeks, then we winnow, grind, and turn our beautiful beans into THAT.
If you pre-ordered,
your orders will ship starting on October 1st.
Are You Joining Us?
October 12th and 13th
Autumn in New England Seminar
For More Information &
to Register Click Here
Quantum Chat
with Maren Muter & Anna Anderson
Listen to All 9 Episodes Here
Join us for an enlightening talk on The Continuation of Consciousness Beyond the Physical Body. This talk will bring together philosophical, spiritual, and scientific perspectives to explore the true essence of consciousness. We will explore past-life memories, near-death experiences, and after-death communications. By integrating these phenomena, we find an understanding of consciousness that transcends the physical body. This exploration will also touch on the implications of an immortal consciousness for our perceptions of life, death, and the afterlife where our lives are beautifully whole, total, and complete.
Do I Need a Medium to Get Signs from the Other Side of the Veil?
You do not need a medium because you are already connected.
But it can be helpful to talk with someone about your questions and sometimes to receive certain messages.
Common Forms of After Death Communications
sensing a presence
Have you ever had a feeling of a being or agency that is not heard or seen. It is one of the most unusual experiences a person can have a felt presence, and yet also a feeling that will be familiar to many. Sometimes referred to as sensed presences or extracampine (beyond the possible physical sensory field) hallucinations, such experiences are described in a wide variety of sources and contexts, including survival situations, bereavement, sleep paralysis, and neurological disorder.
hearing a voice
Although not one of the most common forms of ADC, but the voices or sounds are unmistakable - they are not voices telling you what to do, but typically are one or two words in length if speaking, or a short sound (that can feel like a long time if you are not ready for it). For example, if a mother had a child pass away, she might hear, "Mom," as clear as a bell. Other common sounds can be laughter, buzzing, or even immediate surrounding pressure changes.
feeling a touch
This type of ADC can be magnificent, as though someone placed their hand on your shoulder or arm. You can feel the weight of the touch. It could be heavy or feather light. Commonly it is a soft brushing touch that may be on the back of your hand, on your cheek or foot. It is normal to respond by flicking it away as you would think it was a bug landing on you. But sometimes the touches can last up to a minute or longer, and you will know someone is there.
Taking place in both the physical and spiritual world. Spiritual world meaning in your third eye.
An apparition can come as a wisp of energy, shapeless, all the way to an imprinting of former physical form.
This type of showing may be as part of an echo of former life where they may repeat patterns over and over. For example walking in the garden.
The appearance could come just prior to dying as the spirit prepares to depart. "I saw Aunt Aggie at the foot of my bed last night."
appearances / visions
Taking place in the physical world. This communication style can be expressed as a moving of items, cloud formation, electrical manipulation (ex. turning on and off lights). Physical phenomenon is a natural phenomenon involving the physical properties of matter and energy.
Many times these are signs showing you they are here, and thinking of you.
physical phenomena
Taking place in the “alpha state” of consciousness, when you are very relaxed – like when you’re on the edge of falling asleep, in a dream state, waking up, meditating, or praying.
They may talk to you, walk with you, show you things while you are in these states of relaxation.
Sometimes this can happen while you are awake where it would be seen in your "third eye."
sleep-state / dreams