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If anyone has any insight , additional perspectives or comments on the themes of fraud and corruption that keep appearing in my life, I would be very grateful. These issues started 8 months ago and haven’t stopped and yesterday I told the Universe the following: “ I am not David or Goliath and if you are giving me these issues please provide support.” Tonight I remembered this wonderful sharing group and thought that someone might have additional insight. In the fall of 2022 I noticed that the nursing home was engaging in double-billing for services and also found medicare fraud. In January I found issues with one of the managed care organizations and now have the centers for Medicare and medicaid investigating these concerns (old CPT codes, denial of service, unethical practices). Third issue is smaller and involves large dangerous appliance with General Electric and that’s being investigated by the BBB. By the way, my job is a pediatric psychologist and not a police officer or investigator. Any comments, insights, or thoughts are appreciated and they don’t have to be positive. Things come in threes and I am missing the connection. Thank you in advance for your time. Take care, Shannon

Aysha G
May 14, 2023

Only you can find the answer to this because it’s your experience. You can try journaling for the answer but you must let whatever come out just pour without judgment. Sometimes when we are very judgmental about a topic, it can also cause it to appear. Ask yourself what feelings appear around these issues and then embrace the feeling as one you have chosen to feel. Therefore the universe creates the situation for you to experience the feeling. Be curious, it’s a message that only you can decode.


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