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Our Sharing Group

Public·1026 members


I am so glad to connect. The story of transporting yourself is interesting. I am exploring this opportunity. Instead of regretting fretting about woulda shoulda coulda imagine yourself there and saying your goodbye/ hellos the way you desire. There is no time, everything is happening at the same moment, reweave the experience to your desire and take the pressure off yourself. I hope this makes sense and helps. I am self love ❤️ Big hugs 🤗

Maren Muter


Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, ge...


"Her authenticity, the vulnerability she shares as a human being. Refreshing."

The services rendered by Maren Muter are held out to the public as a form of motivational coaching combined with instruction in meditation. Maren does not represent her services as any form of medical health care or direct psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law she may make no health benefit claims for her services.

If you are suffering and have thoughts of imminently hurting yourself,

please call 911 or  the suicide hotline 1-800-273-8255

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